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The most important component for a successful camp is the staff. Happy staff = happy campers 🙂

We pride ourselves on the caliber of the staff that we recruit- both adult and high school staff. When recruiting we look for warm, passionate, role models, who are hard-working and truly enjoy working with kids. We have a robust team to ensure everyone from our youngest campers to even our staff, have the support they need.

The Staff Experience

At Moshava Ba’ir, we put tremendous focus on staff development and experience. We want our tzevet to be happy, inspired, and feel the intrinsic value of working in camp.

We have an extensive orientation at the start of the summer to prepare our tzevet members, as well as evaluations during the summer to help guide our teen leaders.

We even have a member of our team who is responsible for the staff experience and planning staff-only opportunities

For example:
• Weekly after-camp activities
• Daily minyan and breakfast
• Shabbatonim
• And more!

Israeli Staff​

Israeli Staff

At Moshava Ba’ir, we always recruit a number of Israeli staff members to add to the flavor of camp. In recent years, we’ve had as many as 50 staff members from Israel—most of whom were involved in Bnei Akiva and made Aliyah with their families when they were younger. This adds tremendous ruach, excitement and a unique atmosphere to camp.

Our Tzevet is comprised of:

Madrichim – Counselors
Roshei Eidah – Division Heads
Roshim – Heads of education, sports & more
Office Staff
Camp Director
& more!

Apply to be a staff member